Button tin mushroom sukha

Button tin mushroom sukha:

Mushrooms are rich in natural vitamin D, proteins, fibre which is required for the health of our bones, tissues and overall health. Also it is a wonderful nutrient in increasing the immunity in our body. It's consumption also repairs cells and tissues as it has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory properties. It also has anti-oxidants and anti-cancer compounds that fight off chronic diseases and keep you healthy.

There are various dishes prepared out of mushrooms like mushroom xacuti, mushroom biryani, soup, fries, and it's also incorporated in pizza, burgers, spring rolls etc as it's very yummy and everybody loves it's delicacies.

Today I had tin mushrooms with me and I made sukha recipe which I shared below. You can prepare with fresh button mushrooms.

Ingredients and method:

Wash and chop off the mushrooms into small pieces.

Heat a pan, add 3-5 tsp of oil. Add 1 tsp jeera, 1 bay leaf, 1 bedgi red chilli and 3 onions finely chopped. Saute well till onions turn light pink. Add 3 green chillies long slitted.

Now add all masalas-1 tsp each of haldi powder, red chilli powder, jeera powder, coriander powder, mutton masala or any garam masala, kala masala or goda masala. Saute well. 

Then add 1 tomato finely chopped. Close with a lid. Let tomatoes cook well. Add finely chopped mushrooms. Saute and close with a lid. Let mushrooms cook well. Add 1 tsp sugar and required salt. Saute.

After 2 mins, add chicken masala, Kanda lasoon masala if you have and saute well. Close and cook.

Check if your mushrooms are cooked. Lastly add finely chopped coriander leaves and palm crushed kasoorimethi.

You are done. Your delicious tin button mushrooms sukha is ready. You can prepare similar one with fresh button mushrooms and also with fresh green peas.

Serve with chapati/roti/naan.

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